Saturday, October 4, 2008

Are You Interested in Black and White?

Some of the greatest photographs taken were in black and white. Lately there are more of us trying black and white in class so I thought this post would provide some info that you might find helpful. First, check out this website about The History of Photography and the Masters of Photography found on our Moodle in topic #10. You will see some great images. I have also found some good tutorials and blogs from the good folks at Digital Photography School that would be worth your time to read.

And the following article covers the channel mixer, gradient map, desaturation and color lab ways you can process in Photoshop. This is a must see!

Some of you have been working with layer masks and painting through a desaturated layer to create a black and white photo with a splash of color. Here is another way using the "history brush" that will be new to you.

Another website Inside Graphics has some short tutorials on even more ways to make your black and whites snappy.

Five Tips for Black and White Photography

So read up and try some of these, you have lots of good possiblities from our photowalk and dont forget to go out on you own with the intent of looking for the elements like texture, contrast, shapes, pattern and light that will play well in a black and white format.

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