Thursday, June 15, 2017

Barefoot Pottery

We bought a potter's wheel. My only instruction on this piece of equipment was a 9 week ceramics class in the summer, and experience in saving hundereds of student projects from disaster over many years.  I could use more instruction.  However I also realise with this discipline a great deal depends on how much time I devote to practice.

Honestly those folks on YouTube make it look so easy, but I do know that type of ease only comes with many hours of repetition and failure.  I have 1 success out of 4 tries so far, it is my yarn bowl.

 This is a little larger than most student projects and I am surprised at how easy the new wheel makes some of the more difficult tasks such as centering (not my favorite). One of the joys of pottery in the summertime is being outdoors and clean up with a garden hose, it is very refreshing! Here is our outdoor studio!

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