Friday, December 13, 2013

Hour of Code

Congratulations Multimedia I and Web Design students for finishing an Hour of Code.  I was so pleased to see so many of you working so hard on your coding  challenges.  Yes THEY WERE HARD!  However with some persistence I think many of you were pleased with what you learned, and rightfully so!
Below you will find screen shots of some of the completed projects posted by my amazing students.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rorschach Day in Art

Accidents happen, in the Art Room they happen more often when India Ink is out.  And: they happen in three's.   Today they did in spades, we are down one shirt, 2 entire inkwells and the vinyl table covers will never be the same.  On the bright side no student artwork perished in any of the unfortunate events.

Here then are some very nice pen and ink drawings.

Daneal Dickinson

Bailey B

Pang Piyatrakul 

Teagan Short

Friday, October 25, 2013

General Art Drawing Favorites

My general art students continue to impress, Here is a collection of our best drawings from first quarter.  Great Job Everyone!

Jami F.
Daneal D.
Bailey B

Noah G

Mallory K

Hanna R

Maddie L

Mallory K

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Nebraska Now show by Ben Darling

Today we attended the opening of Ben's show, Nebraska Now at the Museum of Nebraska Art in Kearney, NE.  Ben gave an artist's talk and commentary about his work. The show has pieces from 1980's to recent work in all parts of Nebraska.  If you are in Kearney stop by between now and January 5, 2014.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My top 5 Assignment

For the final assignment of first quarter Multimedia I students chose their top five photos for a slide show.  This is an experiment on embedding a slideshow into a blog post

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Marvelous Multimedia!

Hope my multimedia students know how talented I think they are.  We have been super busy, yesterday we were shooting in downtown Sidney. Snap a Senior and People in My Life are two other themes we have been working on.  So many great pics.  Here are a few of my favorites. I have also put a few shots in from our Memorial Gardens Photowalk because I love them!
abby j.

Amber A.

Chloe J.

Brianna w.

Abby J.

Natausha H.

Kaitlyn B.

Savanna M.

Natausha H.

Amber A.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Object Faces

by Multitude on flickr
You've seen them, looking back at you. Faces where you least expect them. Check out the flickr group The Faces on Everyday Objects
Then go out and capture your own, feel like you're being watched?
6 faces to an album please, you may enhance with Photoshop and bridge if you choose.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Project Pit 2013

This year at Hole in the wall ... Same wind same dust but only one day's worth.  The temps were delightful as was the company.  We mapped a total of 9 stone circles, found some cool points, tools and the usual general "shatter".  Oh and one 10' mountain mahogany!